How in the world can our association survive on such modest dues in this day and age? Incredible Volunteers, that's how!
It's been a good year for improvements in Little Hollywood. Ron Shaw and his crew did a lot of needed work reinforcing the pavilion and repairing rotten wood. Adding the metal hurricane strapping and anchoring was very reassuring this year. Ron, Jack Mooney and Mike Beatty performed a critical electrical upgrade to the property. The shed now has lighting and receptacles and the pavilion has all new lighting, receptacles and fuse box. Our painting crew led by Mike Brink and Chelle Woods have primed and painted the cook shack and all the new wood added to support the fuse box replacement. The pavilion area is in pretty good shape now and looks spiffy thanks to lots of time and effort donated by our volunteers.
Jerry Benoit did a lot of landscaping at our memorial area over at the pond property. Dianne Cathey thoughtfully purchased (with her own funds), a concrete bench that is set up at the memorial area. Connie Blair recently coordinated the effort of adding several “bricks” to the memorial to commemorate LHIA members who have passed away. The area looks nice over there because of people who care about their community.
Pat Manning assembled and donated a full set of tools and box to the Little Hollywood workshop. Dave Case donated some useful yard tools too. These thoughtful donations will make it more convenient for our future volunteers while working on the properties. We marked the tools with blue paint and sharpies to help ensure that they are available to volunteers for many years to come. More tool donations would be greatly appreciated. Specifically, we could use a drill/bits, skill saw, yard tools, etc. Maybe there’s a member or two out there that has some extras that they’d like to donate to a worthy cause.
Our grass cutting crew led by Mike Young and Ken Black has been steadfast this year. Keeping our properties mowed and trimmed is no small task and the efforts of these men keep our organization “in the black” and keep the place looking great. Thanks a million guys! (Dave Case, Jerry Corr, Gerry Laatz, Mike Brink, Tom Conroy Vic Eversfield, Todd Hiller, Jin Rice, Jonathan Barkett, Randy Lang, Mike and Ken).
Our big fall project this year is to finish the dock piling restoration that we started last year. Vic Eversfield will again lead the effort which involves encasing the existing pilings in plastic and concrete. It takes a lot of manpower, but keeping our dock strong and sturdy is a very worthy project and the use of our strong volunteer crew, we'll keep the cost at a minimum.
I’ll speak for all members of Little Hollywood and say "Thank You" to all those who contributed their time and effort on these tasks. Your efforts are a tribute to our community and everything it stands for.
Here's our burgeoning little workbench in the shed. It may be modest, but it's the culmination of a lot of volunteer effort and donations. Note: We have electric! May it serve our community and fabulous volunteers for decades to come!